alone for a while
gone are the distant voices
that faded, now lost
left are echoes of my words
burbling in the pebbled rill
Copyright © 2020-11-04, by Liz Bennefeld.
early autumn dusk
quiet settles on the woods
pop of burning logs
cold snows brush the windows
an almost-winter lullaby
Copyright © 2020-11-02, by Lizl Bennefeld.
Photo by WantTo Create on Unsplash
night’s moonbeams reveal
visions hidden by daylight
vanished with dawn’s mist
wee fairies in their snow boots
gathered round a glowing coalsome swing from dead stems
into snowdrifts thrice their height
some gathered flower petals
layered thick for cushions
their fragrance fills the airon the shortest day
the longest night of winter
cling close for the warmth
after all the winter storms
it will once again be spring
“Fairy Winter”. Copyright © 2020-11-01, by Elizabeth W. Bennefeld.
Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay
ice along the path
tattered clouds race a blue moon
wind against the glass
soft voices in the distance
as I drift back into sleep
Copyright © 2020-10-31, by Liz Bennefeld.
A warm-up poem for a small group’s Poem-a-Day writing activity during NaNoWriMo month.